Dogs on Duty: Soldiers' Best Friends on the Battlefield and Beyond by Dorothy Hinshaw Patent6/27/2014 This book is currently on both the ISLMA 2015 Bluestem Award list AND the Rebecca Caudill list. 'Nuff said? It's a well-written, solidly researched look at WMDs - Military Working Dogs. It takes the reader through a brief history of the roles dogs have played in aiding soldiers, examines the selection and training processes, and life after war for these canine heroes. The author includes brief vignettes about individual "hero" dogs and their achievements, beginning with "Stubby" in World War I. A natural pick for dog-lovers, but most readers will be caught up in the little-known stories of these previously unsung heroes. Published by Walker Books for Children, 2012.
AuthorJoanne Zienty is a school librarian, teacher, reader, writer and published author who firmly believes there are so many good books and not enough time to read them! Archives
October 2016